Saturday, July 28, 2012

Spicy Ramen Noodles

For lunch today I made spicy Ramen noodles based on a modified version of The Chew recipe from Friday.

I combined chicken broth and half a can of coconut milk into a dutch oven over medium heat.  I added chopped button mushrooms, grated ginger, minced garlic, 2 quartered jalapeno peppers, 2 packs of Ramen noodles (not including the spice pouch) and a little salt.  I cooked for about 10 minutes.

In each individual serving bowl, I chopped 1 fresh mint leaf along with about 5 fresh basil leaves.  Also, I grated carrots and added them.  Finally, I added a few peanuts.

Then I poured the hot soup over the ingredients in the bowls.  Make sure to remove the jalapeno quarters if you do not like spicy food.

I loved it (I didn't eat the peppers, just used the peppers for flavor prior to serving), but Ryan ate the peppers and had an adverse reaction.

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