Sunday, January 22, 2012

Pimiento Cheese Rolls

Yesterday, I finished the book, The Wedding Gift by Marlen Suyapa Bodden. It is about southern life in Alabama during slavery. Anyway, I was also reading the January and February issues of Southern Living, which features the deep south and several comfort food recipes. Since my brother-in-law was bringing a new girl over to dinner at my husband and my home last night, I decided to make some southern comfort food.

As a southern staple, pork is very delicious and easy to make. We bought a picnic pork shoulder and cooked it on low for 8 hours in the crock pot with strawberry preserves and hickory bbq sauce.

I wanted to make mac-n-cheese, but Ryan didn't like that idea so he sautes spinach and portobello mushrooms.

My favorite part of the meal was the pimiento cheese rolls. I followed the recipe from Southern Living Feb 2012 page 74. The only thing I would have done differently is use the less than recommended amount of pimiento cheese. But, these were so yummy. I had left over rolls for breakfast this morning.

My next post will detail the dessert, caramelized banana pudding.

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